

NAD+ is required not only for life but for a long life. In this issue, Camacho-Pereira et al. (2016) implicate CD38 in the decline of NAD+ during aging, with implications for combating age-related diseases

——David A. Sinclair (哈佛大学医学院Paul F. Glenn衰老生物学机理中心)
Schultz M B, Sinclair D A. Why NAD+ declines during aging: it’s destroyed[J]. Cell metabolism, 2016, 23(6): 965-966.


Altered NAD+ metabolism is associated with aging and many pathological conditions, such as metabolic diseases and disorders of the muscular and neuronal systems. Conversely, increased NAD+ levels have shown to be beneficial in a broad spectrum of diseases.

——Elena Katsyuba & Johan Auwerx (瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院)
Katsyuba E, Auwerx J. Modulating NAD+ metabolism, from bench to bedside[J]. The EMBO journal, 2017, 36(18): 2670-2683.


The loss of stem cells, through cell dysfunction or senescence, is thought to contribute to biological aging. Recently, Hongbo Zhang and colleagues have shown that activation of the mitochondrial unfolded protein response, a retrograde stress response, through administration with an NAD+-raising compound, can rejuvenate stem cells and extend lifespan in mice.
通过细胞功能障碍或衰老,干细胞的丢失被认为是导致生物老化的原因。最近,Zhang Hongbo和同事发现通过给药提升NAD+的化合物,激活线粒体非折叠蛋白反应,一种抗逆应激反应,能年轻化干细胞并延长小鼠寿命。

——David A. Sinclair (哈佛大学医学院Paul F. Glenn衰老生物学机理中心)
Wu L E, Sinclair D A. Restoring stem cells—all you need is NAD+[J]. Cell research, 2016, 26(9): 971-972.


Supplementing these NAD+ intermediates has shown preventive and therapeutic effects, ameliorating age-associated pathophysiologies and disease conditions.

——Shin-ichiro Imai (华盛顿大学医学院)
Yoshino J, Baur J A, Imai S. NAD+ intermediates: the biology and therapeutic potential of NMN and NR[J]. Cell metabolism, 2018, 27(3): 513-528.


NMN effectively mitigates age-associated physiological decline in mice. Without any obvious toxicity or deleterious effects, NMN suppressed age-associated body weight gain, enhanced energy metabolism, promoted physical activity, improved insulin sensitivity and plasma lipid profile, and ameliorated eye function and other pathophysiologies.

——Shin-ichiro Imai (华盛顿大学医学院)
Mills K F, Yoshida S, Stein L R, et al. Long-term administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide mitigates age-associated physiological decline in mice[J]. Cell metabolism, 2016, 24(6): 795-806.


NAD levels decline in multiple tissues with age or in disease. Frederick et al. Show that impaired intramuscular NAD synthesis compromises skeletal muscle mass and strength over time but can be quickly restored with an oral NAD precursor. .

——Joseph A. Baur(宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院)
Frederick D W, Loro E, Liu L, et al. Loss of NAD homeostasis leads to progressive and reversible degeneration of skeletal muscle[J]. Cell metabolism, 2016, 24(2): 269-282.


Restoring NAD+ by supplementing NAD+ intermediates can dramatically ameliorate these age-associated functional defects, counteracting many diseases of aging, including neurodegenerative diseases. .

——Shin-ichiro Imai (华盛顿大学医学院)
Imai S, Guarente L. NAD+ and sirtuins in aging and disease[J]. Trends in cell biology, 2014, 24(8): 464-471.


The results of numerous studies suggest that NAD+ intermediates or small molecules that modulate sirtuin function could enhance retinal metabolism, reduce photoreceptor death, and improve vision.

——Rajendra S. Apte (华盛顿大学医学院)
Lin J B, Apte R S. NAD+ and sirtuins in retinal degenerative diseases: A look at future therapies[J]. Progress in retinal and eye research, 2018, 67: 118-129.


Overall this finding suggests short term administration of NMN could be a therapeutic approach for treating metabolic disease due to maternal and post weaning over-nutrition, even in late adulthood.

——Margaret J. Morris (悉尼大学医学院)
Uddin G M, Youngson N A, Chowdhury S S, et al. Administration of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) Reduces Metabolic Impairment in Male Mouse Offspring from Obese Mothers[J]. Cells, 2020, 9(4): 791.


Our results indicate that NMN increased brain NAD+, activated the SIRT1 pathway, preserved mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) function, prevented neuronal loss, and preserved cognition in Diabetic rats.

——James William Russell (马里兰大学医学院)
Chandrasekaran K, Choi J, Arvas M I, et al. Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Administration Prevents Experimental Diabetes-Induced Cognitive Impairment and Loss of Hippocampal Neurons[J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21(11): 3756.


Strikingly, nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), a product of the NAMPT reaction and a key NAD+ intermediate, ameliorates glucose intolerance by restoring NAD+ levels in HFD-induced T2D mice. NMN also enhances hepatic insulin sensitivity and restores gene expression related to oxidative stress, inflammatory response, and circadian rhythm, partly through SIRT1 activation.

——Shin-ichiro Imai(华盛顿大学医学院)
Yoshino J, Mills K F, Yoon M J, et al. Nicotinamide mononucleotide, a key NAD+ intermediate, treats the pathophysiology of diet-and age-induced diabetes in mice[J]. Cell metabolism, 2011, 14(4): 528-536.


We have shown that the NAD+ precursor, nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) can reverse some of the negative consequences of high fat diet (HFD) consumption. NMN appeared to have stronger effects on liver fat catabolism (Hadh) and synthesis (Fasn) than exercise.

——David A. Sinclair (哈佛大学医学院)
Uddin Golam Mezbah,Youngson Neil A,Doyle Bronte M et al. Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation ameliorates the impact of maternal obesity in mice: comparison with exercise.[J] .Sci Rep, 2017, 7: 15063.


The transcriptional footprint of NMN treatment indicates that increased NAD+ levels promote SIRT1 activation in the neurovascular unit. In conclusion, the recently demonstrated protective effects of NMN treatment on neurovascular function can be attributed to multifaceted sirtuin-mediated anti-aging changes in the neurovascular transcriptome.
NMN治疗的转录印迹表明,增加的NAD +水平可促进神经血管单元中SIRT1的激活。总之,最近证明的NMN治疗对神经血管功能的保护作用可归因于神经血管转录组中多方面的sirtuin介导的抗衰老变化。

——Zoltan Ungvari(俄克拉何马大学健康科学中心)
Kiss T, Nyúl-Tóth Á, Balasubramanian P, et al. Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation promotes neurovascular rejuvenation in aged mice: transcriptional footprint of SIRT1 activation, mitochondrial protection, anti-inflammatory, and anti-apoptotic effects[J]. GeroScience, 2020: 1-20.

NAD +给药可能是减少脑缺血和其他PARP-1相关神经系统疾病引发的脑损伤的新策略

NAD+ administration may be a novel strategy for decreasing brain damage in cerebral ischemia and possibly other PARP-1-associated neurological diseases.
NAD +给药可能是减少脑缺血和其他PARP-1相关神经系统疾病引发的脑损伤的新策略。

——Weihai Ying(加州大学旧金山分校)
Ying W, Wei G, Wang D, et al. Intranasal administration with NAD+ profoundly decreases brain injury in a rat model of transient focal ischemia[J]. Front Biosci, 2007, 12: 2728-2734.


These results provide evidence for the beneficial role of NMN in energy production and suggest that therapeutic strategies that increase the level of NMN can be an effective treatment for depression.

——Zezhi Li(浙江工业大学)
Xie X, Yu C, Zhou J, et al. Nicotinamide mononucleotide ameliorates the depression-like behaviors and is associated with attenuating the disruption of mitochondrial bioenergetics in depressed mice[J]. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2020, 263: 166-174.


It was suggested that NMN substantially decreases multiple ADassociated pathological characteristically at least partially by the inhibition of JNK activation.

——Peng Jia(同济大学医学院)
Yao Z, Yang W, Gao Z, et al. Nicotinamide mononucleotide inhibits JNK activation to reverse Alzheimer disease[J]. Neuroscience letters, 2017, 647: 133-140.


We recommend that pro-angiogenic effects of NAD+ boosters should be considered in both preclinical and clinical studies.

——Zoltan Ungvari(俄克拉荷马大学健康科学中心)
Kiss T, Balasubramanian P, Valcarcel-Ares M N, et al. Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) treatment attenuates oxidative stress and rescues angiogenic capacity in aged cerebromicrovascular endothelial cells: a potential mechanism for the prevention of vascular cognitive impairment[J]. GeroScience, 2019, 41(5): 619-630.

充NAD +已显示出恢复健康新陈代谢和生理功能的治疗潜力

NAD+ depletion is emerging as a major contributor to the pathogenesis of cardiac and renal diseases and NAD+ repletion strategies have shown therapeutic potential as a means to restore healthy metabolism and physiological function.
NAD +耗竭正在成为心脏和肾脏疾病发病机制的主要原因,并且补充NAD +已显示出恢复健康新陈代谢和生理功能的治疗潜力。

——Matthew D. Hirschey(杜克大学)
Hershberger K A, Martin A S, Hirschey M D. Role of NAD+ and mitochondrial sirtuins in cardiac and renal diseases[J]. Nature Reviews Nephrology, 2017, 13(4): 213-225.


Manipulation of SIRT1 activity by NMN seems to be a potential pharmaceutical intervention for AKI that could contribute to the precise treatment of aged patients with AKI.

—— Chuan-Ming Hao(复旦大学)
Guan Y, Wang S R, Huang X Z, et al. Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, an NAD+ Precursor, Rescues Age-Associated Susceptibility to AKI in a Sirtuin 1–Dependent Manner[J]. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 2017, 28(8): 2337-2352.


We show that this loss of oocyte quality with age accompanies declining levels of the prominent metabolic cofactor nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). Treatment with the NAD+ metabolic precursor nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) rejuvenates oocyte quality in aged animals, leading to restoration in fertility.
我们证明这种随者年龄卵母细胞质量的下降与最主要代谢辅因子烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NAD +)的水平下降有关。NAD +前体烟酰胺单核苷酸(NMN)疗法可以恢复老年动物的卵母细胞质量,从而导致生育力恢复。

——Lindsay E. Wu (新南威尔士大学医学院)
Bertoldo M J, Listijono D R, Ho W H J, et al. NAD+ repletion rescues female fertility during reproductive aging[J]. Cell reports, 2020, 30(6): 1670-1681. e7.